Und auf Seite 209 heisst es folgendes:
«Do you realize that we’re as far from punk rock now as it was from the Second World War? There have been a lot of movements and subcultures since then, and whilst many have been informed by punk, none seems to have had the same impact. Punk rock spawned photographers, graphic artists, writers, and people like myself…What we’re really talking about here is counter-culture as an ongoing dynamic. It occurred to me that there is an over-emphasis on the late 70’s punk incarnation that undermined the bigger idea. People tend to look back on this weird thing that happened in 1977 with Mohawks and safety pins – which it was never about. That was just a media contrivance. I approached the film (gemeint ist «Punk: Attitude», Anmerkung des Autors) with the idea of showing it in context; i.e. that it didn’t start with punk rock and it doesn’t end with punk rock. Furthermore if it happened before, it can happen again, and looking around today it sure needs to…It is about an attitude that doesn’t only exist in music. In fact most of the music produced today is probably the last place you’ll find it. For instance, look back at art, poetry and film-making. The literature of someone like Albert Camus, the Surrealist Movement, the films of Luis Buñuel and the comedy of Lenny Bruce are all punk…»